Advocacy for Change

Throughout my career, I have observed a number of areas that desperately needed to change.  Sometimes I felt that programs just needed small tweaks in order to become dramatically better, and sometimes I felt that whole systems were illogical or unfair. When I identified areas of concern, I tried to also posit new directions, or even solutions. I didn’t always do this, but I now believe that this is a necessary component. As my colleagues at The Center for Artistic Activism always say, “Awareness is not enough.” It isn’t. The good thing about articulating solutions (because we can problematize for DAYS), is that it creates a place for discussion and debate, for even better ideas to emerge and become a gauge for monitoring progress over time.

  • The pieces in this section are filled with concrete ideas, relevant for the time period in which they were written, but surprisingly, some remain relevant today.  So….


    In your work, what are you doing to ensure that your critiques are accompanied by suggestions for more positive directions and concrete actions?