
Although I had already presented a number of workshops during my years at the Manhattan Theatre Club (1976-1981), I really began writing in 1980 with a biographical piece for Southern Exposure’s “Growing Up Southern” issue. Southern Exposure was an important and award-winning regional magazine published from 1973-2011 by the Institute for Southern Studies in Durham. I think they liked the article because it got reprinted in their 10th Anniversary Edition of the magazine and in their book Growing Up Southern!

  • Although I had already presented a number of workshops during my years at the Manhattan Theatre Club (1976-1981), I really began writing in 1980 with a biographical piece for Southern Exposure’s “Growing Up Southern” issue. Southern Exposure was an important and award-winning regional magazine published from 1973-2011 by the Institute for Southern Studies in Durham. I think they liked the article because it got reprinted in their 10th Anniversary Edition of the magazine and in their book Growing Up Southern! 

    Since then, I have been honored to receive recognition for my work throughout my career, and the highlights included being asked to deliver Commencement Addresses at three different art schools. Since I received Honorary Degrees from each of them, you may now refer to me as Doctor, Doctor, Doctor! I was also honored to be one of the women selected for recognition by ArtTable as part of its 30th Anniversary celebration. And, finally, as I was exiting Creative Capital, The Marbury Report asked me to write a piece about “retiring.” I was given such great advice by so many friends who had already made the leap, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to share how I was thinking about this personal transition.  

    I have learned so much from the process of putting this archive together.  I didn’t realize that my personal story would also tell a story about the broader cultural history of the  era. My story isn’t just my story.  Your story will be just as much a reflection of your era as mine as turned out to be.  

    What is your story? How do you think you will tell it 20, 30, or 40 years from now?