Just Say No To The Status Quo

Since we don’t live in a perfect society, it’s fair to say that the status quo is never good enough.  By saying “no,” what is implied is that there is something that we hope to say “yes” to. In my work in the arts, and more recently in the writing I have done that relates to the cultural/political sphere, I have frequently questioned the status quo. Importantly, I have also tried to think through what possible “yes” scenarios might look like. It is simply not enough to “just say no.” In this section you can read about concrete ideas that I have had over the years that I felt could improve the support system in the arts for organizations and individuals. Additionally, acutely aware that we have been losing the messaging wars in the political area, I have also had a number of thoughts about ways to begin to unravel the stranglehold that the political right has held over portions of the population and over the media.  

In your life and work, what are the things you are, or want to be, saying “no” to?  What is your “yes?”